Southern Pisgah Rock and Ice Corrections/ Updates

Please send any addition corrections or updates to mikereardon80(at)

P.97 Route called “Grey Matter” was originally a Tom McMillan route, which started on what is now called “Killer Whales”. It was A4 during the 1974 FA due to a lack of heads. Stacked pins were placed with tie offs.

P.117 Route 63 should be called “Pyscho”

P. 126 “Free Man in Paris” FA was Bob Rotert and Tom McMillan

P.129 new route; located left of Crescendo called “Wrench in my Pocket” 5.11a FA Karsten Delap: info here

P.142 “Psychedelic Delusions of the Digital Man” has gone free by Armand Le Doucer and Jacob Ward at 5.13c. Info here.

P. 168 Hobo Wall. Route #4,”Project Black Streak” was sent in early 2018 by Geoff Jones. 5.12b, now named “Vagabond”

P. 180 There is a two bolt anchor right of the pitch two belay Gemini Cracks, 95 feet above the Sentry Box Ledge. This anchor makes it possible to retrieve from surrounding routes using the Gemini rap line with one 60M rope. Under this anchor is a 5.10 climb with two lead bolts, dubbed Legacy.

P. 278 Route #7 is now named “The Columbian”

P.282 Route #30 should be named “Unknown”

P. 299 Route #12 is now named “Cancel Culture”

P. 345-347: The approach description to the West Face of Sam’s Knob is incorrect. From the parking pull off described on 215, walk north (not south as stated in the book and on the map) on route 215 for a few hundred feet, looking for a small foot path on the east (right) side of the road. Follow the faint trail sharply uphill and slightly right. It should be about 15 minutes of uphill before you are at the creek leading to the ice. If you are fighting rhodos, you went the wrong way.

P. 373 The route “Clean Slate” has its own anchor.

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